How to Get Help in Linux
Don R. Crawley asked: (c) 2008 Don R. CrawleySometimes, especially for Windows and Macintosh administrators, a move to the Linux operating system can seem a bit intimidating, especially because of the more traditional approach to administration through the Command Line Interface (CLI). The good news...
Macworld Boston 1997-The Microsoft Deal
peestandingup asked: Here we see Steve Jobs & the almost bankrupt at the time Apple Computer making a temporary deal with Bill Gates & Microsoft. The crowd was not too happy about it.
Pirates of Silicon Valley-Microsoft steals from Apple
peestandingup asked: Here is the true story of when it all goes down. This is the part when Steve Jobs & Apple find out that Bill Gates & Microsoft have stolen Apple’s OS, changed some things around & are calling it their own (Windows). *Clip taken from the TNT movie Pirates...
Microsoft Sam reads Pissed Off Errors A.K.A Part 2
PacGuy765 asked: it’s Microsoft Sam reads computer errors, but the errors are angry with Microsoft Sam because he ignores them, so they decided to spam him! I’ll be making Microsoft Sam reads Funny Errors soon, this will be Part 3!
Greenbelt Strongly Objected to the Portrayal of Ca as an Ip License for Linux Customer!
RavinderKumar asked: Does your executive search firm know the difference between an MIS manager and a CIO, and if it does, can it explain that difference to its corporate clients? Does your executive search firm know its MIS managers from its elbow? Does it even know the difference between an MIS manager...

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