Broken Apple Laptop? Need a Cheap Logic Board Repair? Mail in Repair Centers Save Thousands!
Apple Logic Board Repair Reviewed asked:  If the local apple repair shops have let you down or worst told you the only way to fix your computer was to BUY a whole new logic board, then you have MANY options! One thing is the apple logic board can be repaired instead of removed and replaced with a new...
Darth Vader Calls Microsoft (Soundboard Prank Call)
trombonist15 asked: Here’s a classic soundboard prank call. Darth Vader calls Microsoft. One would think the operator would immediately recognize him but he is seduced by the dark side…. From
A Word to the Wise – Consider Microsoft Word Training
Rich Talbot asked: Whether you are a student preparing a dissertation, a client writing a letter to your bank or an entrepreneur developing your business plan, I expect that you will be using a word processing program, such as Microsoft Word, to do so. Not only can this program be used as an everyday...

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