A Bad Apple Logic Board Can be Very Inexpensive to Repair
Apple Logic Board Repair Reviewed asked:  The cost savings of having your apple logic board repaired instead of swapped out completely add up to over $800 dollars on some apple computer models. Quotes in excess of $1000 dollars have been issued for the replacement logic board and labor! Finding the...
Mac, PC & Linux – Novell Commercial #3
rbrownclown asked: Here’s the third and final of the Novell advertisements.
Microsoft Touchlight Prototype Demo
loumen asked: A video of Microsoft TouchLight. The technology, developed by researcher Andy Wilson, uses computer vision and sensing to enable new applications including gesture-based inputs that replace the mouse and keyboard.
Microsoft Windows Vs. Linux – the Fundamental Issue
Allison Merlino asked: The comparison of these two operating systems (OS) and the debates which developed have been ongoing for years. Clashing opinions have recently heated up and received even greater exposure due to the One Laptop per Child’s XO vs. Intel’s Classmate issues. (Two competing low...
How Microsoft Office Can Help You Get Back To Work
Rich Talbot asked: Returning to work after a long absence can be very daunting. If you left work to spend some time at home, perhaps to bring up young children, the chances are you’re worried about getting back to work.Skills RequiredThe first step is to find out which skills are currently in...

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