Getting A Job With Help From Microsoft Office
Rich Talbot asked: Getting a new job can often be just as challenging and stressful as being employed! When job hunting, you have a large number of contacts to keep track of, CVs and covering letters to write, interviews to prepare for and appointments to keep. Learning how to use Microsoft Office applications...
Microsoft Certified Professional Free Online Training
Bill Naugle asked: The Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) credential (certification) is for professionals who have the skills to successfully implement a Microsoft product or technology as part of a business solution in an organization. Hands-on experience with a product is necessary to effectively...
Linux: Find Files Containing Text
Selwin Verallo asked: Because of our being forgetful in nature, we oftentimes forget the files that we have created. We can only be fortunate if we can still remember the path, folder, or directory where we have stored those missing files. If that’s the case, it would never be a big deal then....
Embrace Web 2.0 With Microsoft Sharepoint From Genesis Communications
PXR5 asked:  Web 2.0 is the concept of information and collaboration amongst users of the internet. When the internet was first introduced, most of the content was static, being edited only by webmasters. As time has passed, however, we have begun to see more and more user interaction with the internet...
Microsoft Windows ad history
TheComputerGuy96 asked: Windows 1.0 – Windows 95 – Windows 98 – Windows 2000 – Windows XP – Windows Vista

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