iPad Disassembly by TechRestore
TechRestore asked: See inside the Apple iPad, from box to compete take-apart and back, in under 3 minutes – all done in our famous stop-motion style!Caffeinated Content – Members-Only Content for WordPress
Why iPad is Magic
aminozuur asked: Just a little video I put together.. Made using a 9 year old digicam and iMovie. Video containts the following apps (in order of appearance): Paper Toss iBook Labyrinth 2 HD Google Maps Need for Speed Shift for iPad iSlots iBeer Google Maps (Streetview) Gears HD YouTube ResidentEvil...
Using Linux Wildcard Characters to See Linux Directories and Files – Linux System Admin Training
Clyde E. Boom asked: Linux Wildcard Characters in the [pattern] Part of a Linux Command Wildcard characters are used in a Linux [pattern] to cause a command to work on multiple items and they represent characters in a pattern.An * (asterisk) is used in a [pattern] to represent “all characters”...

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