No More Linux on PS3: Results in Lawsuit
David Masterson asked: For some time now PS3 users from around the world have been installing Linux on PS3.  This was done by getting the software and installing it either with a USB cord or with a disc.  The practice was very common place, but in March of 2010 Sony created firmware that made it...
Apple iPad unboxing
CNETTV asked: CNETs Natali Del Conte unboxes the new Apple iPad and some of the tablets accessories.Caffeinated Content for WordPress
Linux, Libertarian, Libertarianism, FOSS, Open Source
Joe Gillis asked: Roughly ten years ago I obtained and installed my first copy of Red Hat Fedora Linux. It was during that same time-frame that I officially became a Libertarian. Since then I have read many opinion pieces comparing Linux to both Libertarianism and Communism. In a way, I think it is...
Jonathan Coupal asked: As an open source platform, Linux is seen by many as their ticket to reduced IT infrastructure costs. Others see it as a more secure and reliable alternative to Microsoft. But Linux is not the right choice for everyone, or for all applications. So when does Linux make sense...
Monitoring and Tuning Performance on Linux
ankit asked: On a modern stand-alone system, Linux is pretty quick, and if it isn’t, there’s something wrong — something that is up to the system administrator to fix. You might have a number of people using the same fileserver, mail server, or other shared machine, in which small improvements...

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