Hey! You have forgotten the HISTOTICAL MOMENT of the Windows 98 Demo when the pc crashed while loading the scanner drivers, and a Blue Screen of Death appeared!! It ‘s the MOST embarrasing moment of Microsoft ‘s history!!
i dont see how the first seen is embarrasing to Microsoft… Microsoft made the three top sell programs for the mac in the early years, back when they were good before they turned guey
omgggg bill is kermit the frog!!!
Hey! You have forgotten the HISTOTICAL MOMENT of the Windows 98 Demo when the pc crashed while loading the scanner drivers, and a Blue Screen of Death appeared!! It ‘s the MOST embarrasing moment of Microsoft ‘s history!!
1:26 is just too epic XDDD
bill sounds like kermet the frog
he gets so worked up over a keynote to the point he perspires?It’s a simple press conference, not a high school pep rally
come on!!!!! 4 words im having a heart attack YEAHHHH
why should they Microsoft sucks and he did right throwing an egg at steve ballmer
was that guy sweating that much? wow…
I thought Gates was the Chairman..
dude! wen did he get hit with a pie? and u forgot the infamous blue screen wen he plugged a scanner into windows 98!
what did that guy in the end of the vid say? :/
no lol, he’s the CEO or head of the company currently at Microsoft, now Bill Gates has retired
heard the second guy jumped ship
yes i know about apple’s history and Microsoft’s for that matter, Bill gates made floating point basic for the Apple II
i dont see how the first seen is embarrasing to Microsoft… Microsoft made the three top sell programs for the mac in the early years, back when they were good before they turned guey
lol ballmer is sucha moron, funny to watch though
This new CEO is a fool
this is soo true
‘who is in charge of microsoft here…oh’
The one thing missing in this video is the live BSOD on Windows 9x… With that, this video would be perfect!!!
WOOT, ballmer got owned!!!!!! jaja LOVE IT!
Has Steve Ballmer been taking chocolates or something, or is this natural?
oh thats steve ballmer he is now CEO of Microsoft, and making it really bad what is a good thing for us mac users are were gaining market share