Currently Browsing: Google
Google: the Internet Emperor
search both asked: The whole world has now centralized in six letters GOOGLE, the internet search giant. Co-founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 1998, Google has introduced us to a new era of information technology. The word Google represents the infinite source of information the company is providing...
Growing Up Google
Seomul Evans asked: Does anyone remember search engines before Google? Some of us may, but chances are that we’ve long since been Google converts. In fact, 60% of the search traffic in the United States goes through Google. Google arrived on the scene in 1998 with its funny name that plays on...
Internet Marketing in the Age of Google
Titus Hoskins asked: Copyright (c) 2008 Titus HoskinsForget the Computer Age or the Internet Age, centuries from now our current time will probably be referred to as the Google Age. This assumption is not exactly a great leap of faith; Google has quickly permeated into mainstream culture to become an...
Discover the Hidden Secrets On Getting Free Google Traffic
Cheryline Lawson asked: Traffic is the life and blood of every internet website. Creating a website is only the beginning. You can get instant templates at to get started, but what do you do when you have completed the website. Search engines are fine, but it is a painstakingly...
The Shot Heard Around the World: Google’s Endorsement of “get Google Ads Free!”
Roger Preston asked: My name is Roger Preston, and I am a journalist for variouspublications in upstate New York, as well as the New England area.I recently had a chance to interview the fine team of professionalsat whose flagship product is entitled “GetGoogle Ads Free.”In...

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