Currently Browsing: Linux
Taking Linux Security to a Whole New Level
KarinVerbeek asked: Undoubtedly, it is a reality that Linux users have a lot much less to worry about compared to Windows and Apple users. The argument that ?Security through obscurity is meant to recommend that proprietary software like Windows is more secure by virtue of its closed nature. However,...
Linux Distribution: A Brief Introduction
Chander shekhar Riat asked: A Linux distribution is also known as the GNU/Linux distribution by some. It is basically a family member of the Unix-like software distributions and these distributions are called “distros”. Linux kernel lies as the basis of these distributions. They contain a number...
Linux for Windows Users
Chin Wong asked: SHIFTING to the Linux operating system can be pretty daunting for long-time Windows users who have grown accustomed to doing things a certain way.Some months ago, we looked at the challenges that Windows users face when first using Mac OS X. The challenges are somewhat different...
Linux Command Syntax and Command Help
Andrey Jone asked: Linux Command Syntax can be very confusing. To compound matters, every command has slightly different Syntax. When you enter a command you will need to know what switch or options to use. This will allow you to turn a common command into a powerful tool.One important thing to...
Viewing Linux Hidden Directories and System Configuration Files With the Linux LS Command
Clyde E. Boom asked: Almost all of the files that are used to configure settings on a Linux system are plain text files, as opposed to files that are coded or encrypted. Some Linux directories and files are prefixed with a . (dot). These files do not normally appear in directory listings when...

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