Currently Browsing: Linux
Linux: Find Files Containing Text
Selwin Verallo asked: Because of our being forgetful in nature, we oftentimes forget the files that we have created. We can only be fortunate if we can still remember the path, folder, or directory where we have stored those missing files. If that’s the case, it would never be a big deal then....
Era of Open Source Softwares-linux
PKP IYER asked: Of all the open source operating systems, LINUX heralded an era of freedom from licensed softwares and signalled the end of the road for monopoly softwares from the giant Microsoft. With the arrival of LINUX and its many versions, users got themselves liberated from the shackles of Windows...
Linux Vs. Windows Webhosting, Does it Make a Difference
Sadain asked: One of the most confusing decisions someone new to web hosting will have to make is which platform their server should be on. There are a number of different choices out there but the main two are Linux and Windows web servers. There are also a lot of sources of information about hosting,...
Linux Hosting Services are Cheapest One
John Micheal asked: Are you planning for hosting a website, but couldn’t able to decide which web hosting service will match with your needs? May be after deciding a lot again you come into dilemma between the better two, Windows service or the Linux service. In online web hosting service, Linux is...
All About Linux
Syahrul Azlan Idris asked: What is Linux?Linux is an operating system created by Linus Torvalds during his days as a student at the University of Helsinki. Linux was created and meant to be used as an option or substitute to the other operating systems being used by computer users, like MS-DOS, Windows,...

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