Currently Browsing: Linux
Linux Unix Options for Small Businesses
John Ugoshowa asked: Linux/Unix is an alternate type of system that provides hosting for small businesses and companies that run Linux/Unix applications on their personal computers and laptops. The Linux/Unix-based platform is stable platform in the industry.The Linux operating system was developed...
An Overview Of Linux Relationship With The Ipod
Jason Cox asked: Apple makes iPod for Mac and Windows, but not for the open source operating system Linux. Because of this, Linux developers began working on an iPod solution for Linux. When developers began testing Linux with iPod it was partly just to see if it could work. It did. However, initially...
The Top Ten Concepts for Linux Beginners – Number 8, Programming Language Support
Levi Reiss asked: Damn Small Linux can be an ideal platform for supporting a wide range of programming languages. You can even program directly from the command line via a programming shell such as Bash. Major programming languages used in this environment include C, C++, and Java. If you are developing...
Red Hat Linux 2
axlio asked: Red Hat Linux 2
Webhosting: Windows Hosting Against Linux Hosting
Web Hosting asked: Choosing an operating system (OS) that runs the web server hosting ones site is as old as the business of web hosting.All the functions of web server and hosting a site are controlled by operating system, so one should pay particular attention while choosing operating system.Options...

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