Currently Browsing: Linux
Linux Options for Small Businesses
Robert asked: Linux is an alternate type of system that provides hosting for small businesses and companies that run Linux applications on their personal computers and laptops. The Linux-based platform is stable platform in the industry.The Linux operating system was developed by Linus Torvalds as...
Choosing your Hosting Platform (linux or Windows)
Sadain asked: As more and more people fire up web pages for their businesses or their personal enjoyment, there are continuous questions about which hosting platform is the best choice. Most experts agree that when it comes to choosing between Linux and Windows for your web server software, the final...
Linux Gold Corp (otcbb:lnxgf) New Ester Lode Project
Eric Pratt asked: When I spoke to John Robertson, president of Linux Gold Corp. about the new property announced on October 18th near Fairbanks, Alaska, he looked like a very happy person indeed.“I can’t say much about it. The owners have extremely high expectations and the preliminary geology looks...
Yet Another Reason to Learn Linux – Linux Certifications
Levi Reiss asked: four programs which offer certification for Linux Systems Administrators. These programs are offered by the Computing Technology Industry Association, the Linux Professional Institute, the Novell Corporation, and Red Hat, Inc. The first two are professional industry associations whose...
Linux and Unix Software Development and Its Use in Embedded Systems
DOTNUTSHELL Technolgies asked: Unix and Linux are both POSIX compliant operating systems. POSIX defined a standard interface to the low-level operating system which greatly reduces the amount of work required to produce UNIX and Linux software.Unix and Linux software developmentThe standard user command...

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