Earn Money Google Directory

google Earn Money Google Directory
Earn Money Google asked:

Earn Money Without Spend Money

more details at http://earn-money-google.com

Easy ways to earn money with Blog or Website !!!

follow step by step :

1. Create a blog with blogger.com

2. link exchange example : linkalizer , linkexchanged , gothimatch , religiousmall , linkadministrator

3. Join advertisement program, earn money with advertisement. example : adsense Google , revenuepilot , adbrite , bidvertiser and others

4. Join Affiliate program, earn money with affiliate program. example : SFI , clickbank , roiroket , LinkShare Affiliate!

5. Join Forums. Example : preCharge Community Forums , Free Advertising Blog

6. Join Articles. Example : article marketer ,

7. Join Press Releases : PRWeb.com , Pressbox.co.uk

8. Join Hit Exchanges. Example : trafficswarm , 123click , Hit Pulse

9. Join Building Network. Example : Your Luck List , 241Lead , Viral traffic list , List Dot Com

Search engine Positioning

you have submitted your blog at search engine and link exchange with others website company.

example : link exchange with earn-money-google.com

Reach On Top Ranking Position

Almost everyone uses search engines to find sites, and if your site doesn’t turn up on the first page of results you’re losing valuable traffic. Achieving a Top 10 ranking is vital to your success on the Web.

We will explain more details in the future as following :

1) What is a blog ?

** A blog is a simple web page that anyone can set up in minutes.

** Blog is a part of website. We take an example : ***.com is a website. YYY.XXX.com is a blog. Are you understand now ? So, we can register a blog at blogger.com or wordpress.com or others.

** Having a blog is a vital part of making money on the internet.

** If you are looking for a way to start making money on the internet, and you have a budget that is very small or zero, blogging is a great way to get started.

2) How to create a blog ?

** Firstly, you have to prepare a blog address which includes a keyword phrase. (example : YYY.blogspot.com ,YYY is blog name) , title which includes your keyword and content info.

** After that, you can register at blogger.com or wordpress.com or others.

Example :

** Register at blogger.com step by step **

** (1) Click on ” CREATE YOUR BLOG NOW “

** (2) Fill out the form

** (3) Enter title and blog address

** (4) Choose a template

** (5) Start Posting

** (6) Enter title and Content

** (7) Click on Setting

** (8) Click on Publishing

** (9) Notify Weblogs.com change to “YES” (Weblogs.com is a blog update notification service that many individuals and services use to track blog changes.)

3) What we can take advantage from blog ?

** You can make money with a free blog

** Join advertisement program is free, earn money with advertisement. example : adsense Google , revenuepilot , adbrite , bidvertiser and others

** Join Affiliate program is free, earn money with affiliate program. example : SFI , clickbank , roiroket , LinkShare Affiliate!

** The cost for all is absolutely nothing

4) Why ping a blog ?

** Once you finish posting, you need to ping it. Pinging lets the blog directories know that something has changed. The search engines will come crawling / updating.

** Every time, you post new content to your blog, you need to ping it

5) How to ping a blog ?

** Click on http://pingomatic.com

6) How some people can make money & earn money over USD $ 20,000/month on the internet ?

** Some people use blog or website to create fortune online : such as advertisement , promote affiliate program, deliver newsletter, sell text link , sell ebooks and others.

** example : They use blog freely to earn money.

** 1 blog earn money at least $ 20.00 for one month , they create 1000 blog , how much they could earn ?

USD $ 20,000.00 . Is it easy ??? . They just join advertisement and affiliate program (all is free).

7) How to submit your blog or website to search engine ?
** Search Engine : Google , Yahoo , Msn and many others.

** Go to Google’s search engine, just type “add url google” , the listing will be displayed, you will see the title “add url google” on the listing, just click on and register it.

** Go to Yahoo’s search engine, just type “add url Yahoo” the listing will be displayed, you will see the title “add url Yahoo” on the listing, just click on and register it.

** Go to Msn’s search engine, just type “add url Msn” the listing will be displayed, you will see the title “add url Msn” on the listing, just click on and register it.

** Or, go to submit free to 50 Search Engine


icon cool Earn Money Google Directory How to promote blog or website on the internet ?

** Write an article relevant with your blog or website. Example : article marketer

** Join Forums. Example : preCharge Community Forums and others.

** The link exchange strategy is what will give you traffic in the long term and most important. example : linkalizer , linkexchanged , gothimatch , religiousmall , linkadministrator

** Join Hit Exchanges. Example : trafficswarm , 123click , Hit Pulse

** Join Press Releases : PRWeb.com , Pressbox.co.uk

** Join Building Network. Example : Your Luck List , 241Lead , Viral traffic list , List Dot Com

** Join PPC advertisement

9) What is PPC advertisement ?

** PPC – Pay Per Click.

** Earn money from your website or blog – get paid for every click

** Earn money with affiliate program that pays you for every click

You get paid for every visitor that clicks on an ad. You to make as much as possible from your advertising space, by letting advertisers bid on your ad space.

** Example PPC advertisement : adsense Google , revenuepilot , adbrite , bidvertiser and others

10) What is an Incoming links ?

This is a very important thing, because to reach TOP 10 in Google, Yahoo!, MSN and other major search engines, you have to get as much quality incoming links as you can. What is an incoming link? It is when someone links to your site from his webpage. And when you have more links to your web site, your rank goes up. The better quality of the link is, the better ranking boost your site receives in search results.

How to get such links?

There are many ways to develop a high number of incominig links to your website.

1. reciprocial linking – asking other webmasters for links and linking back to their websites in exchange. It used to be an effective method, but right now search engines discount the value of such links to zero.

2. cross linking – asking other webmasters for link from to your website, and linking back to their website from your OTHER website. A similar method may be used when you have only one website, but your linking partner has 2 or more websites – ask for link to your site from one of his sites, and link back to his OTHER website in exchange.

3. context linking – writing articles with links to your website in the article text (target your keyphrases or keywords!), or sponsoring other articles, that have high Google PR

4. automatic link building – with a help of an automated link building system

11) How/Where to register domain name ?

** Register domain name : Example Doteasy.com

more details at http://earn-money-google.com

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