Embrace Web 2.0 With Microsoft Sharepoint From Genesis Communications

Microsoft72 Embrace Web 2.0 With Microsoft Sharepoint From Genesis Communications
PXR5 asked:

Web 2.0 is the concept of information and collaboration amongst users of the internet. When the internet was first introduced, most of the content was static, being edited only by webmasters. As time has passed, however, we have begun to see more and more user interaction with the internet in the form of blogs, wikis and social bookmarking.

The impact of social networking sites such as Facebook, have illustrated that Web2.0 is very much the future of the internet and businesses are finding more and more that this is not only applicable in a social environment. Web 2.0 applications in the workplace can help organisations and their staff to work more productively by sharing information and resources over the world wide web.

Microsoft SharePoint 2007 has a host of features which can help your business to embrace web 2.0. These include:

My Site – SharePoint’s My Site feature provides individual profiles for each user. These can contain information about the users skills and colleagues they know, as well as information including documents, wikis and blogs. My Site pages can be accessed by the public, or restricted to internal access only.

Blogs – Web logs or ‘blogs’ as they are more commonly know have become extremely popular in recent years. The phenomenon of ‘blogging’, posting regular information in a format similar to a diary has become common on both a personal and a corporate level. It allows organisations to present themselves as transparent and open, offering a familiar, friendly face to their clients. SharePoint provides a platform for your workers blogs, which can be published either internally or externally.

Wikis – Wikis are a collection of web pages which are designed to allow all users to actively modify content. The popularity of wikis is exemplified by the popular online encyclopaedia, Wikipedia, which has become one of the most creditable and well-used online information sources. Many organisations have internal wikis which are not accessed by the public, but provide a vital tool for staff to share information. SharePoint makes wikis easy to access and edit providing a vital resource for employees.

TownSquare – The latest SharePoint’s web 2.0 development, TownSquare is said to closely resemble Facebook in providing a social network like application for use in the business environment.

Genesis supply SharePoint hosting services to thousands of businesses across the UK. To find out more about how SharePoint could help your business make the most of Web 2.0, call 0844 847 9606

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