Get going with high Google ranking

google40 Get going with high Google ranking
Deepak Sharma asked:

Get going with high Google ranking Google’s ranking is objective. Results are difficult to tamper withThe growing popularity and hence the widening marker share of Google is an established fact. Google has outgrown the competition and has set industry standards for others to emulate. Google believes that when any user comes searching for his or her query on Google, he or she should get most relevant and quality results. And this is probably how Google has maintained its sanctity as a formidable search engine to reckon with.

To dish out meaningful results to searchers on the web, Google has adopted a methodology called search algorithm which takes care that filtered results against the search criteria are as “honest”, “objective” and “easy” (Google’s own terminology) as is possible using cutting edge technologies at its end.

One of the intriguing aspects of Google’s search algorithm is that it keeps on changing. However, what does not change is its commitment to serve the users in an impartial and meaningful way. One can well understand the arduous challenges Google took head-on when it became operational as a search engine with this vision.

This is not unexpected that in such a massive operation, discrepancies and flaws would creep in. Google did have its set of flaws in the initial years and web masters played around the loopholes for a better ranking. In an attempt to prevent such maneuvers in future, Google fixed the bugs in search algorithm as and when they came to the fore. And, best of all, it adopted a highly dynamic methodology to rank the pages and this methodology changes a bit before the flaws become general knowledge for all to tamper search results.

Notwithstanding all such aspects, getting a good placement on Google is not an enigma at all. Though it could be a mystery for people who intend to cheat on the Google. Google specifically mentions what it looks for while ranking a web page, and what it takes to be on the high search engine results. This is true that whatever is written on this page are at best broad guidelines, but one can learn to formulate such placement strategies as are in conformity with the spirit of Google’s search algorithm.

Scaling new rankings on GoogleAs no one can deny or debate the indispensability of some good rankings on Google, so there is a point to learn the secrets of this great advantageous possibility of your web site on the Net.

Let’s discuss how to go about it

Go for quality inbound links

It is held that the greater the number of links you manage to get at your web page, the greater is the possibility that your web page will be ranked high on Google. But it should be kept in mind that link or links pointing at your web page must be relevant, related and meaningful. Basically, nothing but these are the characteristics of a link that qualifies for a quality link with respect to your web page. There is another advantage associated with it: Google rankings of the web pages whose links you have displayed at your web page contribute its little bit in the ranking of your web page. Simply put, quality links are fairly good means for optimizing your page.

Make your title tags relevant

The title tag of your home page is crucial for your web page. As is common understanding, the title of a page speaks cogently about what is to follow in the ensuing page. When it comes to Google optimization, it is equally significant as Google does read title tags and then proceeds to the page for content evaluation.

So, crisp and concise title tags that relate to the core focus of your web page or better still title tags that are identical to your chosen keyword(s) are helpful for optimization of your page.

Decide your keyword(s) and determine its density

Basically, keyword is the word with which users are likely to search in Google in order to reach you and you too have it on your web page. In other words, you decide what your page is all about in a few words, keeping in view with what sort of words users are likely to search for your page or similar pages on the Net. Like for example, if your web site is into offering web design consultancy and service, you can settle down with the keywords like web design, web site design, web development, web design consultancy and the like.

Keyword density is the ratio of number of occurrence of your selected keyword(s) and the total number of words on the web page. As is evident now, the more a keyword is repeated on the page, the higher the keyword density.

But there is a word of caution here: though good keyword density is taken positively by Google, mindless dumping and clustering of keywords resulting into content chaos may deteriorate your existing ranking or even your site may be banned. Remember a good keyword density is never a two digit figure on a web page; it could preferably be four to five i.e. keyword can safely be repeated four to five times on the web page for better results.

Some Google friendly considerations for a good rankingIncorporate the links on your web site with keyword(s) if possible

Google’s founders have revealed that if the links placed on your web site also contain your keyword, then there are pretty good chances that your web site will be ranked higher as against that keyword. So, linking strategy has got double advantage for your web page optimization. Firstly, the relevance of the link on your site, and secondly the presence of keyword on that link is crucial respectively. If combined together, they go in strong favor for a higher Google placement of the page in search results.

Hence, if you are thinking on some truly helpful strategy to optimize your page, why not to adopt this linking duo to push up your Google ranking.

Use ALT tags on images

Be it known to you that Google does index the Alt tags and texts contained therein. Therefore, if you use various images on your web site, do not forget to use ALT tags and give relevant content. It is likely to give your web page a boost in terms of ranking.

Some people do not use Alt tags on images simply out of sheer ignorance. This is, of course, will not be the case with you anymore. Will it be?

Put a link to your dynamic pages

Contrary to other search engines, Google is compatible to index all your pages including dynamic ones. However, Google’s ability to read your dynamic pages depends on the fact that whether a link is there or not to them. Once you provide a link to your dynamic pages, Google will index these pages without any apparent difficulty.

It is recommended that you do not let Google to escape your dynamic pages due to mere lack of a supporting link.

Avoid using Meta tags

Google does not take into consideration the Meta tags while indexing a page. Thus, spending time and energy on carefully using Meta tags makes no sense. Instead, exploit your time and resources on the strategy that works, like ones which have been discussed up to this point here in this article.


The only lesson that works in matter of high Google ranking is the lesson given by Google itself. Keep your eyes and ears wide open to sense how you can be Google’s algorithm friendly to sustain your competitive edge over others.

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