Hi chris (me again) hey listen I follow both vid parts and I ran into a error…First I tried a BURNED iso of yellow dog for ps3…no go..got a error No Applicable installer was found….
can you please just post the exact version of ubuntu i might need to run my emulators (btw i use 2.6 fw if that effects things) also note i have already partitioned my 10 gigs bro thanks for your time and assistance already!
I can show you how to get ANY “code based” item like xbox 360 live points, gold cards, itunes, and wii points emailed to you. It even works for ebay/amazon gift certificates. All you need is an e-mail. Go here to learn how:
I promise this is no scam. It will only take a minute of your time. If you don’t believe me there’s proof too.
Doesn’t Playstation already has the Video media center already…its almost the same as the xbox media center (pay or rent movies). I can understand Backing up dvd…and possibly Blu-rays…but xbox…COME ON. Buy xbox then…help the economy. lol
hi, I was reading about cell processors, they work in different ways than an common pc for home or even to work… the fact is: the 8 cores does differents task at differents speeds,. the combination of those speeds makes a promedium speed of 3.2ghz, even the cell processor can work at lower speeds. this technology is not new, its similar to the old motorola`s PPC for apple mac, powerPC`s, G3, G4, G5. the difference is the bus inside the processor and the newest tecnologys to assamble it.
because today’s pc’s don’t have such a powerfull cpu as the ps3 has. 9corees at 3.2ghz and for 2 cpu cycle a pc needs the cell needs one! It’s uncomparable but the cell is a monster!
You know you can get one of these for free? You’ll need to sign up for a free trial (I suggest netflix) and then get some other people to do it too, I’ve already gotten an xbox 360 from one of these before. Here’s my referral link (remove the spaces!!) ht tp:/ /ps3s. free pay . co m/? r=46451439
Shut the **** fuck up!!! You ASSHEAD!!!You just make me sad there are so any IGNORANT people out there, that has cheap *** computer and tell trash about it! like you asshole, you **** balls
can u play games on linux
Have you watched part 2 of this video? I used psUbuntu, which is built for the PS3′s PPC Cell CPU.
Good luck
Hi chris (me again) hey listen I follow both vid parts and I ran into a error…First I tried a BURNED iso of yellow dog for ps3…no go..got a error No Applicable installer was found….
can you please just post the exact version of ubuntu i might need to run my emulators (btw i use 2.6 fw if that effects things) also note i have already partitioned my 10 gigs bro
thanks for your time and assistance already!
Nope unless you dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda1 otherwise..you should be fine.
not meaning to be a dick, but all game consoles have always been computers
could this mess up my ps3 in any way??
I can show you how to get ANY “code based” item like xbox 360 live points, gold cards, itunes, and wii points emailed to you. It even works for ebay/amazon gift certificates. All you need is an e-mail. Go here to learn how:
I promise this is no scam. It will only take a minute of your time. If you don’t believe me there’s proof too.
what video editing software are you editing this with?
Nice Video
When the Ps3 is getting very cheap i will buy another one to instal Linux on it
what do you got to type to get back to the ps3 start menu?
Can you run steam on linux
Doesn’t Playstation already has the Video media center already…its almost the same as the xbox media center (pay or rent movies). I can understand Backing up dvd…and possibly Blu-rays…but xbox…COME ON. Buy xbox then…help the economy. lol
hi, I was reading about cell processors, they work in different ways than an common pc for home or even to work… the fact is: the 8 cores does differents task at differents speeds,. the combination of those speeds makes a promedium speed of 3.2ghz, even the cell processor can work at lower speeds. this technology is not new, its similar to the old motorola`s PPC for apple mac, powerPC`s, G3, G4, G5. the difference is the bus inside the processor and the newest tecnologys to assamble it.
great thinking!!!!!!!!!
Playstation 3 is a computer
because today’s pc’s don’t have such a powerfull cpu as the ps3 has. 9corees at 3.2ghz and for 2 cpu cycle a pc needs the cell needs one! It’s uncomparable but the cell is a monster!
You know you can get one of these for free? You’ll need to sign up for a free trial (I suggest netflix) and then get some other people to do it too, I’ve already gotten an xbox 360 from one of these before. Here’s my referral link (remove the spaces!!) ht tp:/ /ps3s. free pay . co m/? r=46451439
Why would someone want to install an OS on a console, why not simply buy and build an awesome computer?
I love the ps3 but im too retarded to listen to this video so ill just comment PS3 FTW.
get a PLAYSTATION 3 for free at my channel
that the PS3 is fucked because you can’t copy the games, making it only good for rich people
I’m going make your comment spam, for be an *******!!!
Shut the **** fuck up!!! You ASSHEAD!!!You just make me sad there are so any IGNORANT people out there, that has cheap *** computer and tell trash about it! like you asshole, you **** balls