If you want iPad, pm me your email, i will send you Green Zoner . c o m invite. Then you can simply collect points and exchange them into iPad. It is very simple, you can easily get your iPad in 1 week! I have only 19 invites left, so hurry if you want to…
the ipad tablet is so excellent,they are really providing people with some of the more sophisticated models so that people can test them out and make sure they work correctly this dude uploaded a tutorial that shows exactly how he receives products for testing, like the ipad just copy/paste the url i shrunk: \n \n ipadtestingtutorial.co.at.mn \n \n come back and thummbs this plzzz
There is An iPad 2 Now
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check my videos for iphone/ipad magic
On My Page I’m Giving Away Ipad’s for FREE
Go to My Name Below
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Anyone who looks at my iPad theme video and comments I will subscribe to you. You should do this before it’s to late
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iPhone unlock web site : topcodes.co.cc
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That’s just vulgar. Which’d be fine if the joke wasn’t just a terrible joke based on the word “pad”
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@Redeemedsinner17 lol i know, even though the ipad isn’t all that
visit h8d(dot)us/freeipad2011 for a free BRAND NEW 64GB IPAD!!!
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ht for a free iPad 64GB 3G!
If you want iPad, pm me your email, i will send you Green Zoner . c o m invite. Then you can simply collect points and exchange them into iPad. It is very simple, you can easily get your iPad in 1 week! I have only 19 invites left, so hurry if you want to…
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@tweetyaja they made this as a parody of the iPod before the actual iPad was announced.
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iPad is the gayest name ever! How can Apple come up with that?
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iPad is the stupidest name ever. How can Apple come up with that? Hey guys check out my iPad
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iPad not yet to released in 2006, You ****!
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Wow spammers…
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any non spam comments in here
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Ooommgggggooooooossssshhhh their physchic
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the ipad tablet is so excellent,they are really providing people with some of the more sophisticated models so that people can test them out and make sure they work correctly this dude uploaded a tutorial that shows exactly how he receives products for testing, like the ipad just copy/paste the url i shrunk: \n \n ipadtestingtutorial.co.at.mn \n \n come back and thummbs this plzzz
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@ZacEfronIsATeletubby wow I think you are the first one to spell psychic correctly, at least the first I’ve noticed, lol
Create a video blog…instantly.
@lordsuji Ipad is not one syllable
@Christopher1987uk this came out years before ipad so they didn’t read your mind
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211 dipshit works for apple
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omg I came out with this joke when the Ipad first came out, man its like people are reading my mind *** lol. I guess it was only a matter of time…..