Mac, PC & Linux – Novell Commercial #3

rbrownclown asked:

Here’s the third and final of the Novell advertisements.

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  1. iPodGenious Says:

    Well he didn’t

  2. IDKwutName Says:

    no he can change religions

  3. iPodGenious Says:

    not that i am agreeing or disagreeing with anyone but if your father his father is part muslim than he ALSO is

  4. IDKwutName Says:

    id like to say, what does him being muslim have to do anything about anything, and he isnt muslim, his dad was

  5. silentthriller Says:

    Yeah. These Rock!

  6. incohrence Says:

    Not much longer since our president is a fake guy whom isnt african american hes a muslim. so in turn Microsoft uses marxism too to control television broad casting sooner or later linux representives will use political rhetoric to smash Microsoft

  7. incohrence Says:

    they should air these especially since Microsoft aka Microcunt uses marxism to control the media . Def oh well Linux is victorious **** MAC and, to demise of fucking pito pinchie faboso Microsoft!

  8. slycordinator Says:

    For a simple-to-use and set up distro like ubuntu, all you’d need to know is how to burn an install CD, then boot from it, and read directions (and after installed you’d simply need to know how to read simple documentation).

  9. zoidburg002 Says:

    it looks like ******* is the only way out for mac an pc…

  10. DianteEvra Says:

    i love you…

    these need to get aired on tv.

  11. st3even Says:

    what do you exactly need to know to use linux?

  12. Iminurcomputorz Says:

    You did spell it wrong, it’s pronounced: Winblows ;)

  13. Yownanymous Says:

    And Linux is actually easier to set up from scratch than Winbloze (oops, did I spell that wrong?)

  14. hossrex Says:

    So long as you can find people who feel like helping you, who use your distro, and have similar hardware to you.

    Harder than it sounds.

  15. scjacksinn Says:

    I would add this caveat: setting up GNU/Linux from scratch may be a pain for the common user, but if it comes pre-installed with all drivers and programs it is a wonderful end-product. For us programmers, GNU/Linux is great even when its not pre-installed so we can configure our computer to serve exactly one need or many needs.

  16. ironsights45 Says:

    yeah linux is great unless your computer illiterate… which is why windows will be around for many many years to come.

  17. Yownanymous Says:

    Yeah, Linux is the best. And the best thing is that if you have a problem and you’re not rich, you don’t get left out in the cold.

  18. jjcheer95 Says:

    my uncle has this like old *** zune, an ipod nano (new one), ipod shuffle, and an iPod touch 16Gig. The one he uses the most is his good old zune…I have a 3 year old Nano, and i want the touch someone over the next 2 years =D. Zunes are less complicated and easy to use, iPod is like ur getting urself in a nice little high-tech maze =D

  19. Mike89066 Says:

    ya i use kafine.

  20. xpandergt Says:

    I’m new to linux yet I found out that movie player not only plays mp3′s it also streams internet audio. So happyfrog, you might want to ask and verify before speaking and sounding ignorant.

  21. garycalgary Says:

    is this an actual television commercial that ran on a network ??????

  22. EMGPJt Says:

    these videos ***** me up 5/5 stars

  23. happyfrogsjump Says:

    okay thanks for the great advice! friends???

  24. potato876 Says:

    Thats true. Thanks for not exploding into a foolish fanboy rant, it happens to much on youtube. Be sure to try a zune if you ever get the chance :)

  25. happyfrogsjump Says:

    yes and that is ur opinion. which happens to be different than many others.


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