Microsoft is King of Computer Software

Microsoft48 Microsoft is King of Computer Software
andy tao asked:

Software was all complicated when it initially stormed the market. Only computer nerds were associated with it, but a lot of things have changed today. Thanks to Microsoft, they have made everything very simple for users. Software has also evolved a great deal when it comes to daily usage.

A lot of things in the software field happened only because of Microsoft. Even though there have been many competitors in the field, they have ruled the roost. They have been least perturbed by the entry of other software corporations when it comes to software. Every day they are constantly working towards giving the world better software to use.

They made the whole world understand what software was all about. This is the greatest invention of the world till date, as it has made life very easy for everyone. From running businesses to shopping and other facilities, software has made everything possible. And Microsoft is responsible for all this.

They have made the world a smaller place, though there have been inputs from many other corporations. However one drawback that most users have with software is that it keeps changing often. This has also lead to piracy of software in a big way. Not much effort is being taken about this, as it seems pointless.

The piracy industry is so vast that Microsoft is unable to keep a check on what is going on entirely. The software ranges from simple to complicated applications. However they serve the industries of the world in a big way. Software is also expensive, and this is one way that the company made money.

Software has revolutionized the ways of the world in many ways, and this has made life very easy for many millions of people around the world. A lot of intelligence is however required when it comes to development of software. Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates is known to have begun and grown the strength of the software he provides to the world, purely on merit.
Daily tasks can be handled with the help of software, from accounts to appointments. The whole aspect of the facility is very interesting. This will provide a great opportunity for people to make their lives systematic. People should contribute back by buying original software and killing piracy.

Software is also a very important part of many industries in various ways. All of this, thanks to Microsoft.

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