Credits to scrubadub (check for user: scrubadub1 for more videos like this !) for sharing this first, until he got banned… Here we go again… Please don’t ban me.
Its not, there is no way he can make it not listen so bad, he probobly did porposly add some of this in, but some of it could not have been porposly done.
LOL!!! Sppech recognition isn’t going well with you eh?
LMFAO – thank you… think you.. delete think you
Its not, there is no way he can make it not listen so bad, he probobly did porposly add some of this in, but some of it could not have been porposly done.
4:45 – it goes fucking mental, this hurt me! – my eyes are red from crying that was good…LMFAO
HAHAHA he has WoW!
this needs to be in a time capsule. it speaks for our age
I love how you dont realise this is all a scripted parody
LOL One Voice Technology works better.
I love that he resorted to cheat to type “INFO”
I lose my shit at 4:22. Well done.
If I were to use this OS the screen would be broken i seconds.
yeh that pretty well sums up Voice Recog atm. It is totally useless for actual use.
wah. this is so cool! i want it!
i tried this, it worked
ok for me, but the annoying part was having to keep repeating when it made mistakes
lol soooo… funny is this a pisstake tho????x
hahaha thiss is soooo funny ! i could watch it again and again and still laugh !
its not good for dictating but its good for desktop and explorer
That was both hilarious.. and incredibly frustrating to watch.
think you ahhaha
that’s so funny