Rich Talbot asked: We all know there are numerous ways in which Microsoft Word can help us in the workplace, but there are also many ways in which Word can help you manage your home life.
Writing Letters
However much you try and avoid it there are times when a phonecall or e-mail is not enough and you are required to put a complaint or query in writing. In such circumstances a handwritten letter just does not create the right impression. There are many letter templates available in Word which can be used as a basis when writing this type of formal letter. Storing your letters electronically also gives you the advantage of being able to keep a record of exactly what was sent without having to laboriously copy everything out or take it to be photocopied.
Details for Housesitting
When you go away on holiday you may well have a friend or neighbour on call to keep an eye on the house in your absence. Often the note you leave them, giving them important imformation and instructions, is little more than an illegible scrawl produced at the last minute as you walk out the door. Microsoft Word can be used to draw up an instruction list containing, for example, the locations of each houseplant and how often they should be watered, and when and what to feed your various pets. A schedule of contact details can also be included providing information of how you can be contacted together with how to get in touch with other services, for example the vet, which may be required. This can be stored on your computer and so easily amended as details change. Also, if you have more than one housesitter, it can be easily copied.
Preparing Invitations
Microsoft Word can also help you with the more fun elements of your life. For example, you can use it to create eyecatching invitations for dinner or birthday parties. With facilities available to scan in photographs and drawings and a vast array of formatting options and font styles to hand it is easy to make your invitations truly unique. For those really big events where people may be travelling from further afield, you can add maps and lists and contact details for accommodation in the area.
Producing Newsletters
There are some people you only get round to contacting at Christmas, by which time you have a whole year’s news to try and fit into one small Christmas card. Microsoft Word is a handy tool which enables you to produce a newsletter which can be put in with the cards. Word has the facilities available to allow you to easily add photographs or even scanned in drawings or documents that your children have created. You can produce a base document as a template and then add personalised messages before printing each one out.
The above are just a few examples of the many ways in which Microsoft Word can enhance your home life, improving the way you communicate with others and helping you stay in touch with family and friends.
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